So, I've been coming to terms with my prim hatred. I'm almost to a point where prims and I can coexist happily without an excess of tears or cursing.
First up, back by popular demand - The Essential Little Black Dress Kit. I really hated the last one after staring at it in world for a bit and ended up yanking it from the shelves without even a clearance warning. Honestly, had no intention to bring it back but the requests for it inspired me to take a good hard look at it and make it better. It now includes 6 lovely tops made to match the single prim, form fitting skirt and 4 pairs of simple stockings. I think I'll add single shirts made to match the kit in the future, but I'm not entirely sure.
The summery outfit dead center of the screenie I LOVE LOVE. I named it "Long Walks" as it reminds me of something you'd see in a romance movie as a gag-worthy couple strolls along the beach. I'm just so happy with the outcome of that primmie I could dance (but I'll spare you that punishment).
Finally, a big ol' poofy, lacy racy semi formal in two colors.
Hope you like and happy Sunday :)
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