Friday, December 21, 2007

Last of This Seasons Holiday Dresses from Mischief

Just released "Quinn," the last holiday dress I'll be making this season. And lemme tell you, I think I saved the best for last. I'm totally thrilled with the way the bust on this dress turned out, all runched and sexy. From there down, its layers of velvet goodness. Available in both red and black and equipped with a fabulous, sculpted, flexi, sheer scarf and stockings.

Its named for group members Quinn10 Yalin and Quinn Wilkinson and they've received their free copies this morning just for having a purdy name.

Also, in case you weren't aware, scripted gift cards are now near the new section. Look for the ATM style vendor up front. Also, if there's a non transfer item you'd like to gift, every items I've ever made is available for gifting OnRez. Its super easy to set up and personally, I love shopping from "home."

Hope you love and Happy Friday.

Find them both in world @ Mischief Isle/ Direct Landmark 109, 158 or in my OnRez Storefront