Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mischief - What a Man Wants

He wants a lady in the street....
...but a freak in the sheets. Give him both, would ya?
Thanks for the peek and find them here Mischief Isle/ Direct Landmark

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Two Latest at Mischief :)

Here's the two most recent releases at Mischief. The first is "Pish Posh" and it's available in 3 lovely prints. Just a little hard to see in the above display ad, but there's the solid black, red dots, white dots. All three come with the same prim additions along the bustline and the skirt so if you want more than one make sure you look at the greedy pack pricing and buy up the pack rather than individuals. Also, after having made it up I noticed the the glitch spankies, top, and stockings were just begging to become a bunny suit. Since most of you already have a bunny costume like this I didn't want to bother making it a whole new set so I just added a free bonus bunny kit to the greedy pack.
I think "Opinionated" (pictured below) was put out in the store on Wednesday. This one is available in 5 colors along with the greedy pack. I really love this set for me. It's right up my alley and is sure to become one of my staple outfits. Simple enough to be day to day but I really like how the argyle played out on a halter top, rather than full sweater.

I'll try to keep up with my blog posts from here on out since some of you probably think this is old news lol. We've been working on revamping our sims and I'm a little scattered, please forgive :)

Thanks for the peek and find them here Mischief Isle/ Direct Landmark

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mischief - Show It If You Got It

Another new outfit today! I'm going to include the display image down below to show you the uber teeny micro wrap that you can interchange with the flex skirt as shown above. It comes with some simple matching panties as well so you can use this as lingerie as well. Whatever fits your fancy lol.
Don't you love this picture? Jori outdid herself this time. Simple enough concept but something about the yellow and the glow on her model is just fantastic. Hrm...supposed to be talking about my outfit...ah well, the pictures can do my talking and I'll stop now.

Happy Tuesday!

Thanks for the peek and find them here Mischief Isle/ Direct Landmark

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mischief - So Here's the New Stuff

Inside Out, Business as Usual, and Nola. Three new outfits in that respective order. Inside Out, my personal fav. of the new year (for now at least) is available in 5 yummy colors. It also includes 2 prim skirt styles mainly because I couldn't decide which look I liked best. If you pick this outfit up just be sure to take a look at the glitch shorties as each prim skirt style needed it's own unique glitch to look right.
Hope you like :)

Thanks for the peek and find them here Mischief Isle/ Direct Landmark

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Mischief - Oh You Dirty Birds

These two sets boast some very, very, yes very low slung pants. I added a curve in the back to attempt to hide that ass crack though. The result, I think, is beyond sexy with the little laces creeping their way downtown. I'd say Vicious isn't as over the top slutty since the shirt has a saucy cut to it but isn't as revealing as it could be. Tramp on the other hand, now here's a top for you gals who want to show the world what you got. On top of the cut revealing the lower curve of your breast, I included a super sheer version that isn't shown in the screenshot. It's not so obvious on my skin since I'm light and the nips on my skin are soft pink, but I imagine on some of the darker skins the result could be...well...let's just say your man will be pleased.
Thanks for the peek and find it here Mischief Isle/ Direct Landmark