Friday, November 13, 2009

Sweater Weather is the Bestest!

I have a great love of sweaters and the weather that goes hand in hand with them, so two new sweaters at Mischief. Bell Flower, to the left in the above photo, was released yesterday and the Bitty Bolero hit the shop just now. If you're a sweater gal, you'll want to come check out my shop, so many styles other than these two most recent to choose from.

Bell Flower is available in 6 colors, all shown below, and Bitty Bolero is available in 7 (cocoa and onyx not shown).
Find them all here > Mischief Direct Landmark

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mischief - 2 for Tuesday

I'll let the screenshots speak for themselves and just let you know that you can find them both here >> Mischief Direct Landmark