Monday, December 28, 2009

Feathers, feathers, and more feathers!

New Year's is this week and what better time to go over the top and do something special with your wardrobe? Just put out these 2 feathery dresses with matching hats for the occasion. Hope you like and Happy Monday! Oh, and if you dig that Martini glass like I do, you can find it at Reel Expression. It has a bunch of cute poses in it and I instantly fell in love.

Want some feathers? Find them at Mischief!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

No Furries Were Harmed in the Making of These Sweaters

Two new today. To the left is "Eskimo Kisses," an adorable little knit hoodie with tons of faux fur to frame that pretty face of yours. To the right, "Snow Bunny" includes the whole get up, including tights. Both available in a whack of colors.

Teleport to get yours at Mischief Fashions